Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER)


The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) course is designed to provide workers and supervisors with a thorough understanding of safe lifting practices in the workplace. This online course covers the key requirements of LOLER, including how to safely plan, supervise, and execute lifting operations while ensuring compliance with regulations.


This short E-Learning course provides you with an introduction to the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998, otherwise known as LOLER.

The course starts by explaining the purpose of LOLER, before setting out what is meant by a lifting operation. It will then provide some examples of equipment covered by the legislation.

It moves on to explore why lifting equipment safety is so important, detailing the types of injuries that machinery can cause, and continues to cover the equipment maintenance requirements that must be complied with by law. The LOLER online course provides a detailed explanation as to what is meant by ‘thorough examination’ under LOLER, then looks at lifting equipment markings and the safe working load.

The course finishes by covering what the regulations require of your organisation when it comes to the protection of young persons.


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