Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER)


The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) course is designed to educate workers and supervisors on the safe operation and management of work equipment in the workplace. This online course covers the key aspects of PUWER, including risk assessments, equipment maintenance, and compliance with safety regulations to prevent accidents and injuries.


This online E-Learning PUWER short course provides you with an introduction to the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations, otherwise known as PUWER. During this online PUWER course you will learn about the types of equipment that fall under this legislation along with the common hazards, equipment inspections and maintenance.

This short PUWER online course provides you with an introduction to the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations, otherwise known as PUWER.

The E-Learning PUWER course starts by explaining the purpose of PUWER, and then turns to look at the types of equipment that fall under this legislation. This is followed by an explanation as to the responsibilities both employers and employees have under the regulations.

Next, this online PUWER course explores the common hazards associated with the use of work equipment; before moving on to look at different methods of guarding available to keep you safe from injury.

Finally, the PUWER E-Learning course explores the requirements with respect to equipment inspection and maintenance under the regulations.


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